Before we work from home, many of us imagine that it would be the answer to all of our work-life balance issues. Working from home means flexibility, which in turn means better balance and more time to enjoy our lives away from work. But for many, the reality is very different. Many people who work from home will work long hours, check emails long after they’ve signed off for the day, never take a proper lunch break and very rarely take a full day off. Many home workers will take their laptops on holidays and reply to messages on important occasions.
Without care, working from home can completely erode any balance and take over your life. If you are struggling to create balance as a home worker, here are some effective ways to improve things.
Improve Your Productivity
Often the best way to take more time off is to get more done in the time that you do work. Improve productivity by upgrading your tech, so that it works as fast as you do, getting into good routines, and managing your time more effectively. If a new laptop could increase your productivity, take a look at these Lenovo i7 Laptops.
Get Some Exercise
It can be hard to fit exercise in when you are busy, but it’s worth it. Even a very short workout, a short jog, or a walk outdoors can boost your energy levels, help you to focus, and clear your mind. Try to fit exercise in before you settle down to work, if possible, to start your day on the right foot.
Leave Work in the Office
Even if you don’t actually use an office, get into the habit of leaving work behind when you finish for the day. Leave your laptop, files and even your phone in another room to avoid temptation.
Create a Buffer
Most people that travel to work hate the commute, but it plays an important role. In the morning, the commute helps you to prepare for your day, think about what you need to do, and make a plan so that you can get started straight away. After work, having to travel gives you time to let go of stress, leave work behind, and get ready to rest.
Working from home means that there’s no commute but creating a buffer between home and work can help you to improve your work-life balance. Try going for a short walk before work or having a shower when you finish. Another option is just taking five minutes to sit by yourself, outside of your office, before you see the rest of your household.
Enjoy Flexibility When You Need to
It’s great to stick to a routine, but the beauty of working from home is flexibility. Don’t force yourself into a routine when you are needed elsewhere. Stick to it when you need to, but if your kids are off school, or you’ve got things to do at home, embrace the flexibility as much as possible.
Remember, balance is a very personal thing. It’s also a fluid thing. Work-life balance doesn’t have a set ratio, and it’s okay to make changes to yours from time to time. There will be times when work needs more attention, and times when you need to step back. Try to be flexible for a happier, healthier lifestyle.
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