The whole ordeal relating to breast cancer is a very scary one which many women around the globe are going through. Amongst the panic and the worries there are proceeders such as a breast ultrasound which must be done in order to gain further insight into the problems, if there are any, which exist. Naturally there are many women out there who have worries and concerns reading to the breast ultrasound which we are going to aim to resolve today, any questions which you have that you can’t find here, please feel free to get in touch or contact your local physician to find out more.
What is the Ultrasound For?
There a couple of reasons why we use this ultrasound, the main reason being that it is used to check whether or not a breast lump found doing a self-examination is a solid lump or a lump which is filled with fluid such as a cyst. We also see this procedure used to check the breasts of younger women with denser breast tissue, as well as helping to guide a needle for the collection fo puss or tissue from the breast. Finally for anyone with silicon implants, these restrict what a mammogram can see which is why a ultrasound will be used in that instance.
How to Prepare Yourself
The only thing which you can do to prepare is wear an outfit made up of two pieces so that it is easier for you to strip to the waste. Any fears or concerns which you have should be discussed prior to your appointment with your oncologist.
How Does The Ultrasound Feel?
There is gel which is rubbed onto the area where they will be doing the ultrasound and that may feel cold when it is applied, but there shouldn’t be any discomfort which you feel. The sound waves which are used to gain a picture of your breasts will be silent and the only thing that you can expect to hear is the whirring of the machines.
What Risks Are There?
Ultrasound technology has been used for a number of years and there are absolutely no known risks of the procedure. It is not invasive and there is no radiation involved, which contributes to the low risk level.
How Long For Results?
It is highly likely that the radiologist will discuss the results of the ultrasound following the procedure, as they will have had a clear picture of it right away. In some cases they may ask you to wait as they review certain aspects, don’t worry about this it will just be the radiologist checking to ensure that they have all the information which they need before they speak to you.
Should You Be Scared?
It is perfectly natural for you to feel scared about this procedure but you just have to remember that if there is any issue under the breast, then the sooner you know about it and get treatment, the better that it will be.
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